Dr. Srilakshmi Srinivasan
Founder and Medical director
Having completed MBBS from M.S. Ramaiah medical college in 2000 Dr. Srilakshmi persued ophthalmology postgaduation in B.R. Ambedkar medical college. A merit student through out she was keen on further specialization. She completed her tranining in cataract surgery in B. W. Lions eye hospital bangalore. She had further traininng in Medical retina and uvea from Retina Institure of Karnataka. She also completed FRCS and FACIO fellowships. She has served as consultant in different hospitals such as Retina institute of karnataka, Lions eye hospital and Narayana Nethralaya and published papers and presented many talks in vairous conferances.
Visiting consultants
Dr. Jaitra P.G
After completing MBBS and post graduation in ophthalmology in Aravind eye hospital madhuri. Dr Jaitra has been practicing as a topical phaco surgeon and a vitreoretina consultant since 2006. He has served in various hospitals in south India.
Dr. Pavan. K. P
Vitreo retina
After completing MBBS and postgraduation Dr. Pavan trained as a virteo retinal surgeon in retina institute of karnataka in 2005. He has been providing excellent service in vitreoretina since then.